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Reviews of Electricity, Magnetism, and Light

"This text is a very good introduction to electricity and magnetism. There is a wealth of interesting and useful information, from the history of the science of electricity and magnetism, to connections with real world phenomena in science, engineering, and biology, to common sense advice and insight on the intuitive understanding of electrical and magnetic phenomena, to take-home experiments to bring home the key concepts. This is a fun book to read, and I believe that students will find it œfun” too. The book is heavy on relevance. Practical electrical examples, sections on motors and generators. The level is slightly more advanced than the standard freshman texts for calculus based engineering physics courses, but not much. Almost all of the mathematics is worked out clearly and concisely. Clear and helpful diagrams accompany the mathematics at almost every stage. The emphasis is always on intuitive physics, graphical visualization, and mathematical implementation. Each chapter is accompanied by numerous short problems. Many chapters are introduced by useful and interesting historical quotes which enhance the interest of the reader (me especially). 
Carl Patton, Professor of Physics, Colorado State University 

"The text by Saslow is aimed at students taking a first substantial course in electricity and magnetism. It carefully introduces all of the mathematical tools required to understand the physics content. The emphasis on the relationship between equations (mathematics) and physics is very strong. The material covered is appropriate for a sophomore level course for physics and engineering students, probably a one semester course, although there is enough material for a two quarter course. The style of writing is informal and invites the reader to stop and think about what has been said. The illustrations anticipate students' questions and add to the clarity of the text's explanations. The text should work very well for a semester or two-quarter long course at the sophomore level." 
Mike Sokoloff, Professor of Physics, University of Cincinatti 

"[Saslow's text] is exceptionally well written. This book will stand out among many available textbooks on electromagnetism. Its format is modern and user-friendly. It emphasizes physical concepts, analyzes the electromagnetic aspects of many everyday phenomena, and guides the readers carefully through mathematical derivations.... I think SaslowÃs book will be an welcome addition both as a text book and as a reference book in the area of electromagnetism." 
Khondar Karim, Professor of Physics, Illinois State University 

"This is an unusually interesting text.  Its coverage is thorough and its presentations are clear.  I expect that students will find the text highly accessible and will be excited by the richness of the subject of electricity and magnetism as presented by Saslow."
Ian Lindevald, Professor of Physics, Truman State University